
Showing posts from March, 2012

Seven Ways to Restart Your Day

Seven Ways to Restart Your Day You've just woken up, and you're on the wrong side of the bed. Is there any way to switch to the other side? Absolutely. For those times when your mind is addled, and your center is shaky; open this little black bag of cures and find your beautiful balance! As soon as the alarm rings.. Spend your first 15 seconds awake planning something nice to do for yourself today. "This can really set you up in a good mood--even if it's just going by the farmers' market and getting fresh strawberrie s. Get up. The longer you lie there, the more you ruminate, the darker your outlook is likely to become, says Christine Padesky, PhD, coauthor of  Mind Over Mood . So get vertical and make a cup of coffee, take a shower, feed the cat... Drink... Make that two glasses of water upon awakening, the time when our bodies are dehydrated, says Susan M. Kleiner, PhD, author of  The Good Mood Diet