
Showing posts from January, 2012
6 Dangerous Food Additives Poisoning Your Fare   They lie in wait, more than happy to do a number on your insides when you least expect. Let’s push aside the artificial sweeteners ,  food colorings and even the bisphenol A for now and focus on six quietly confident yet diabolical dietary villains that far too often manage to get away with murder. Carazolol What’s this seriously hard core schizophrenia and depression drug – notable for its unappealing ability to ramp up cholesterol levels while triggering erectile dysfunction -- doing in pork chops and steaks? The factory farming industry uses it as an injectable ‘chill pill’ for animals on their way to the slaughterhouse, which means that whether you like it or not, your upcoming blood test and significant other’s schwing-ability may be in question. Aluminum    From the foil that we wrap around baking dishes to the cookware and beverage cans that we regularly use, this naturally occurring metallic
21 Motivational Quotes on Strength  Have the Courage to Carry On By Renita Williams  Let’s face it, life can be hard. Just when you are sitting there minding your own business, pow, a crisis can come your way. Whether it is work, differences amongst family and friends, bad relationships, financial struggles, or just a bad day, sometimes it can be overwhelming and hard to deal with. Although what seems like a tough time while it’s happening, it is also a way to help you find the strength you never knew was within. Let these quotes on strength help you feel the motivation to carry on. Hang On "When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. " -Franklin D. Roosevelt Never Give Up "When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will
5 Foods for a Flat Belly Having a fit, lean belly is about more than your vanity; it's about building a strong core and thus a powerful you. When you're core is strengthened, so is your entire being. But no amount of crunches is going to get the job done on its own. The key to uncover a toned tummy lies in leading a healthy, balanced lifestyle; critical are the foods you nourish your body with. Devote yourself to whole unprocessed fare and  mindful eating , and incorporate the following five super delicious foods into your flat belly diet. Then, you'll be well on your way to a healthier, muffin-top free you. Avocados avocado is high in the oh-so-necessary monounsaturated fat which helps lower cholesterol and is loaded with nutritional clout to rank it amid the highest echelons of superfoods. But what's best about a creamy slice of avo? It's so satisfying, satiatingly scrumptious, that you'll feel full fast, and stay that way.

5 Inspiring Athletes Who Overcame Disabilitie

5 Inspiring Athletes Who Overcame Disabilities Limitless Abilities Many professional athletes entertain us with their strength and competitive spirit. Then, there are those who inspire us with their ability to overcome adversity. We are especially touched by those who are missing a limb, yet use everything else they have to become the best at what they do. Whether it’s grappling on the wrestling mat, crossing the finish line or riding the ocean waves, these five athletes are collectively the true picture of strength. Bethany Hamilton Raised by surfers in Hawaii, Bethany Hamilton was born to be in the water. A natural surfer, she began competing professionally as a young child. However, at 13, she lost her arm and nearly lost her life in a vicious shark attack. One month later she was back on her surfboard with a determined spirit and positive attitude. Two years later she won first place in the Explorer Women’s Division of the NSSA Nationa
Five Life Lessons Running Taught Me Runner's Wisdom I'm training for my first full marathon. It's a feat I never thought I could do. In honor of this, I wanted to write an ode to running. I ran off and on throughout my 20s, but didn’t get serious about it until a friend encouraged me to sign me up for a half marathon last year. I ran that 13.1 miles and it changed my life. Here are the five life lessons running taught me. Want a life less than ordinary? Be less than ordinary I used to be the kind of person who just let life happen to her. I did the same thing, day in and day out, and had the gall to complain about how bored I was. Then a friend suggested to me to run a half marathon with her. It was ludicrous! I’d never run more than two miles in my life. But I said yes. I took a leap and everything changed. The world’s most uncoordinated girl became a runner, and it encouraged me to seek out more strange opportunities
 Walk Away Your Pounds Lose Weight, Feel Better by Walking If you're looking to spring into shape and shed unwanted weight, get out your walking shoes. Here are 5 tips for getting started. Walk the Walk Walking is one of the easiest and least expensive forms of exercise — and as the days become milder, it’s a great way to clear the mind of winter cobwebs. All you need is a sturdy pair of walking shoes, comfortable clothing, and, of course, a hefty dose of motivation. A brisk 10-minute walk outside (or on a treadmill) will usually do the trick. Do this every day for a week, and then begin to add five minutes to your walk the following week. Continue to add five minutes to each workout until you are walking as long as desired. Remember, the goal is to walk fast enough to reach your target heart rate, yet slow enough that you can still maintain a conversation. Don’t Skip the Stretches Incorporate a warm-up, cool